Look, I don’t want to get too millennial on you but let me say this: I do find ‘showing up’ on Instagram somewhat deregulating to the ol nervous system. Many of you have found us because of it and for that I’m grateful but the gram’s like the North Sea: shallow in places and turbulent, no?
Not here though, writing this is hugely enjoyable and I’ve been thinking about ways to say thank you for the lovely feedback and the support you’ve offered us so far. So:
First, alongside more design tips and some project reveals, we’re lining up inspiring people to chat to and I’m super pleased to say that the absolute fairy godmother of order, clarity and calm at home, Bex, is going to offer some decluttering and organising wisdom to us all next week. Think Oxfordshire’s Marie Kondo but with a generous and lovely splash of realism mixed in and you’re there…
Second, by way of thanks we want to extend our trade discounts to you as subscribers for any projects you are completing at home OR ordering for in the month of March. Tiles, fabric, paint (some but not all brands😜), MDF, plywood, wallpaper, Vinterior, Pamono, 1st Dibs… you get the idea, if you need it sourced- let us know.
That’s not all:
There’s a new feature offered by Substack that helps us reach a few more people so welcome to our ‘Subscriber Bonus’ series:
Recommend us to 10 people and enjoy trade discounts for an additional month of your choosing 💰
Recommend us to 20 and in return we’ll thrash out a design conundrum with you for 30 minutes🧠
Recommend us to 50 and, well, I’d be extremely excited and have to do some calming millenial breath work before a 90 minute design consultation is yours 🥂
Getting the referrals isn’t time limited so you can build them up slowly as and when you feel inclined to share The ShortHall. Keeps us on our toes content wise, eh?
How it works:
You need to be a subscriber ✅
Hit either of these two buttons on a post and share us with someone you think should join us:
Substack keeps track and once you hit the 10, 20 or 50 mark it will let us both know and we’ll be in touch. If you’ve already shared us before- thank you- let me know and we’ll factor it in.
And that’s that.